Robyn Zellar
GATE Director
Team Leader, ASL GATE 2019
Robyn has been an international art educator for over 25 years. Born and raised in upstate New York, she is currently living and teaching in London, where she is also an avid swing dancer. Inspired by ARARTE, she founded GATE in 2018. Robyn believes in the power of the collective mind and strives to create meaningful, collaborative learning experiences for her students and fellow art teachers around the world.

Tess Hitchcock
GATE Advisor
Team Leader, ISF GATE 2022
Tess has been teaching Visual Arts at the International School of Florence since 2019. Originally from Maine, in the USA, she is passionate about helping kids access their creativity and feel empowered to take risks and make discoveries. In her free time, Tess is a voracious reader, with her favorite genres being sci-fi and fantasy.

Soldevilla Relano
GATE Advisor
Team Leader, AISB GATE 2023
Maribeth is a 3rd culture kid currently living and working at an international school in Hungary. Her teaching experiences span from early childhood to high school, from general art, design technology and graphic design. Maribeth is passionate about art education and integration through the arts. She loves all things art, meeting and collaborating with fun, creative folks.